Golf Outing Packages

Charity Events & Corporate Outings

Attention outing planners and tournament organizers:
Are you looking to host a charitable event or corporate tournament? Why not choose the best course in central Virginia, Pendleton Golf Club! We can handle all the details and make your day a special one. We have one of the most beautiful courses in the area with great conditions at a very fair price.

Just fill out the request form on this page, or call Jim Mason at 804-448-4727 for more details.

Eagle Package

The Eagle Package is our premier package, designed to make your event special for your guests. The Eagle Package includes golf, lunch, and all the professional outing services shown in the Pendleton Golf Club Outing Services list. Additionally, all Eagle Packages receive:

  • A prize pack for Pendleton golf shop merchandise based on the number of players in the outing. An outing consisting of 100 players would receive a prize package valued at $1,000.
  • One of our popular Six Pack cards good for six rounds – a $260 value.
  • Two Pendleton crested shirts and two Pendleton caps – a $130 value.

To reserve a Friday-Sunday event you must have 100 players

Birdie Package

The Birdie Package includes golf, lunch and all of the professional outing services listed. To reserve a Friday- Sunday event, you must have a minimum of 100 golfers in season, April-October. Please see the attached menu for food options.

*All fees shown above include tax.

Par Package

The Par Package is for golf only and includes all of the professional outing services listed. To reserve a Friday Sunday event, you must have a minimum of 100 golfers in season, April-October.

*All fees shown above include tax.

Top 10 Reasons to Have Your Outing at Pendleton

  1. Like playing golf in Scotland without the airfare
  2. Course well maintained – manicured to perfection
  3. Affordable rates
  4. Beautiful natural setting – wildlife refuge
  5. Kathy’s world famous chicken salad on the 19th hole
  6. Easy access from I-95 (1.5 miles)
  7. Brand new golf carts
  8. Best practice facility in Virginia
  9. Proximity to Fredericksburg, DC, Richmond and Maryland
  10. Relaxing environment and friendly staff

Interested in Hosting an Outing at Pendleton?
Fill out the form below.

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